FY2022 Lib Tech and MRR Funding

FY2022 State Funding Intentions

Through the FY2022 amended budget, the Georgia General Assembly allocated $2 million for library technology projects and $3 million for MRR projects to Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS). These funds will be processed outside the traditional state bond process. That means there will be less restrictions on items but the process will be a subcontract with reimbursement, like the recent pandemic relief grants. Since both sets of funding require the same process, Information Technology and Library Construction are collaborating to combine the contract process for those libraries that have both Lib Tech and MRR projects.

Funds must be encumbered by June 30, 2022 and libraries will have until April 30, 2023 to complete project work. See timeline for more projects dates!

Library Technology (Lib Tech) Funds

State funding for library technology improvement and upgrades with the following requirements:

    • Projects must include technology equipment and services.

    • Non-technology items must show proof that they are required for the operation of, and/or related to, an approved technology item on the budget.

Allocations calculated based on the traditional RPLAC funding formula (sent to library directors via email). Refer to the provided resources, FAQs, and discounts to guide purchasing plans. Please contact Shannan Furlow at the Lib Tech Help Desk with any questions or book a 30 min. consult.

Purchasing Plans

To receive tech funding, libraries must submit a purchasing plan with project description by April 15, 2022.

Major Repair and Renovation (MRR) Funds

MRR is a matching-funds program that assists library facilities with deferred maintenance projects and improvements. Typical projects range from structural issues to roof repair and HVAC replacement. It also assists with upgrades needed to help libraries meet the Americans with Disabilities Act’s Standards for Accessible Design.

Please contact Nate Rall at nrall@georgialibraries.org with any questions.


MOUs are in the process of being signed by library directors with a completion date of April 15, 2022.